We get the question about our route often so I will describe this in basics of states, directions, and time lines. We found the below YouTube video that showed the average 70 degree temperatures as it progressed north and south across North America so chasing these red dots is the basis of our initial route planning.
Following that thought, we will head west then follow it north to Alaska, south to the Canadian Rockies, and Idaho/Montana. We don’t have anything more specific than that at this point and are purposely not tying ourselves to anything specific so we can keep the unknown as a part of the process.
We are asking lots of questions of those knowledgable about certain areas and reading lots of information.
Our Go Date is 5/15/2020 when we plan to head west to California. The first destination for now is likely somewhere around Yosemite National Park. From there we will move north with interest in the Redwood National Park, the coast of Oregon, Carter Lake National Park, Washington coast and the Olympic Peninsula. We hope to visit friends and family in Seattle and Whidbey Island. We have one other hard date of 6/28 in Couer d’ Alene to support a friend who is doing a half ironman event.
From there, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, and up to Alaska by early July. Back down through the Yukon, British Columbia to the Canadian Rockies and then Idaho and Montana by early to late August.
After that we have nothing more specific than maybe an idea to head east, to the upper peninsula of Michigan and onward to New England for the fall foliage.
Thoughts are to take a right turn, heading south to Savannah to catch up with friends and family in November and then another right turn to head back west for the winter months. We’ve heard the hill country of Texas is awesome and amazing things about Big Bend National Park. We would also like to explore New Mexico’s Indian ruins and whatnots and we have a desire to see Joshua Tree and Death Valley. We will certainly hope to stop in San Diego for more family time. Last, there is a romantic image in my head to beach camp on the Baja of California in Mexico for the winter. An option to all that would be spending the winter chasing snow.
In the end, this is all tentative with the goal to journey and wander wherever we choose, to grow, adventure, and slow down to enjoy this amazing life.